Hoshauer v. State Farm Ins., 2023 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 177474, 2023 WL 6323081 (September 28, 2023) (Gallagher, J.) When an additional vehicle is added to an existing policy with lower uninsured/underinsurance limits, then bodily injury limits by someone with ample opportunity to alter the coverage under the policy, having received ongoing notice of the amount of coverage under their policy, and having paid premiums that took such coverage limits into account, they are bound by the previous coverage choices. The Hoshauers were informed of the previous reduction request and executed the request. They had ample opportunity to alter their current coverage, but continued the pay the lower monthly premiums. By doing so, they acquiesced to their current coverage plan and benefitted from reduced premiums. It is unknown whether a new policy was actually issued in this case, however.
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