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Harrington v. Kramer, 2025 Pa. Dist. & Cnty. Dec. LEXIS 1(Luzerne County Ct. of Common Pleas, January 14, 2025) (Gelb, J. and Lesa, S.)

The Court adopts Plaintiffs’ and the Gardens’ Stipulation in Lieu of Preliminary Objections to the Amended Complaint (“Gardens’ Stipulation”) in which Plaintiffs and the Gardens agreed that Plaintiffs shall identify the unnamed, apparent and/or ostensible agents by the deadline to produce Plaintiffs’ expert reports, that Plaintiffs shall identify specific “State and Federal laws and regulations” Defendants allegedly violated by the deadline to produce Plaintiffs’ expert reports, that Plaintiffs are not pursuing a claim for failure to document, and that Plaintiffs are not pursuing a claim for failure to communicate with the Decedent’s family.